EOS Damage
The thermal damage is the result of the excessive heat generated during the
EOS event.
The heat is a result of resistive heating in the
connections within the device. The high currents experienced during the EOS
event can generate very localized high temperatures even in the normally
low resistance paths. The high temperature causes destructive damage
to the materials used in the device’s construction.
The destructive damage was found at the metal oxide film
resistors where affected resistors turned out of tolerance in a short periods,
sometimes few days late, the resistors recovered after the tension of the
stress released. The recovery of the resistors could be accelerated by kneading
the resistor body of leads, or by short time overload to trig the tension
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. makes a lot of high
power metal oxide film resistors with huge over loading capability that the
resistors could stand 9 times rated power for more than 60 seconds without burn
out even the body were heated to bright red!
公司地址:深圳市南山区马家龙工业区16栋厂房 邮编:518052 |
联系电话:86-755-26611344 26500889 传真:86-755-26619489 手机:邹小姐 13798596435 |
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